Rudy’s Pack is Back!
Back by popular demand, the Rudy’s Fun Pack is finally here. Not only does this offer include four game tickets, but will be accompanied with a meal for four to be enjoyed at three original Rudy’s Bar-B-Q locations in the San Antonio area. For only $100, this package does not get any better.
The offer will disappear faster than candy on Halloween night, so secure your ticket to watch a great game and enjoy some quality brisket, turkey and cream corn with three others! Ticket orders can be placed online and are limited to one pack per household.
Rudy’s continues to be a proud and supportive sponsor and has nurtured a strong partnership with the Valero Alamo Bowl throughout the years. Along with this offer, their helpful team caters our Pigskin Preview Luncheon to kick off the start of the college football season. Rudy’s will also be hosting other events during bowl week such as the Team Fiesta and Pep Rally that add excitement for fans attending our game.
For being such a willing and consistent sponsor, the Valero Alamo Bowl would like to give a huge thanks to Rudy’s Bar-B-Q!