When is this year's Valero Alamo Bowl?
The 2024 Valero Alamo Bowl will be televised on Saturday, December 28 on ABC at 6:30PM CT. ESPN Radio (1250 in San Antonio) will carry the national radio broadcast of the Valero Alamo Bowl.
How can I get the latest information about this year's teams?
The Valero Alamo Bowl Bowl Insider newsletter includes the latest information on the perspective teams, bowl events and ticket presales. Sign up for the Bowl Insider or email info@alamobowl.com The bowl also posts to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok using the handle: /valeroalamobowl and the hashtag: #alamobowl
How much are bowl tickets?
Tickets generally range in price from $50 to $500 depending on the seat location and purchase date. On a higher demand game, ticket prices will typically exceed the initial face value. This rewards our annual buyers and makes tickets purchased through the team a better value. Typically, game ticket price increases each year between mid-September and November. Then, pricing is adjusted daily after team announcement in December. Even on lesser demand games when ticket prices are lowered to compete with the secondary market, prime locations have often returned double the early Fall pricing. If you have questions about tickets and pricing, please call the Valero Alamo Bowl ticket office at 210-704-6666.
The Valero Alamo Bowl owns and controls all rights to seat locations for all Alamo Bowl events. Patrons purchasing though the Valero Alamo Bowl Ticket Office and/or Ticketmaster receive the opportunity to use the seat location designated by the ticket purchased. However, the Valero Alamo Bowl in its sole and absolute discretion may revoke this right at any time by refunding the purchase price printed on the ticket. The privilege is granted on a game-by-game basis, and is subject to rules, obligations and policies relating to tickets as established from time to time by the Valero Alamo Bowl. Accounts are limited to one per household, and there is an overall 8 ticket limit per person, address, credit card, IP address, household, etc. Tickets may not be used for advertising, promotions (including contests or sweepstakes), intentional resale, or other trade or commercial purposes without the expressed written consent of the Valero Alamo Bowl.
Does my child need a ticket?
Everyone entering the Alamodome must have a ticket. Based on research as well as feedback from Valero Alamo Bowl option ticket holders in a large capacity crowd, there is little room for lap children and the noise levels are extremely high. The Valero Alamo Bowl Box Office will try and accommodate requests to relocate guests so everyone can be seated together. If you have special circumstances, please call 210-704-6666 to seek assistance.
Can I print out my tickets or parking passes?
No, there are no printed tickets for Valero Alamo Bowl. All game tickets and parking passes are digital and will need to be on a mobile device. Your phone is your ticket and parking pass.
What is Apple Wallet or Google Pay and why should I add my tickets to them?
These are mobile phone apps which allow users to store their game tickets in a secure location for use on game day, similar to airline boarding passes. Once you load your tickets/parking into Apple Wallet or Google Pay you will just open the app on game day for entry.
***You may have to create an account with Apple Wallet or Google Pay if you have never used them before.
For a step-by-step process on how to add your tickets to your mobile wallet, visit our Access and Transfer Guide here.
You do not have to put your tickets in your tickets and parking pass into Apple Wallet or Google Pay before heading to the game, but it is highly recommended. Otherwise, you will need to sign into your Valero Alamo Bowl Account Manager from your mobile device as you approach the Alamodome gates to pull up your tickets. Using this method, you will need cellular service on your mobile device or you will need to connect to the Alamodome Wi-Fi.
Should I keep all the tickets on my phone or share with other guests in my group?
The best practice is to share with others in case you do not arrive at the Alamodome at the same time. However, as long as the group arrives together having all tickets on one phone will also work.
If you need assistance on transferring tickets, visit our Access and Transfer Guide here.
When are the Alamodome Box Offices open?
The General Public Box Office will open on Saturday, Dec. 28 at 3 p.m. It will remain open until halftime of the game. It is located at the Northeast Box Office.
The participating teams will open their Player-Guest and Will Call windows on game day at the Southwest Box Office (Big 12) and Southeast Box Office (Pac-12) of the Alamodome. Time TBD.
How do I get from my hotel to the Alamodome box offices?
Click here to see a map that details routes from downtown hotels to the General Public Box Office, Big 12 Box Office, and Pac-12 Box Office.
I have Team Will Call tickets. Where do I pick them up?
The participating teams will open their Player-Guest and Will Call windows on game day at the Southwest Box Office (Big 12) and Southeast Box Office (Pac-12) of the Alamodome.
How do I get to the Alamodome?
The Alamodome is located in downtown San Antonio approximately 10 minutes south of the San Antonio International Airport, and walkable from downtown hotels. To get to the Alamodome from the airport, take 281 South and exit Cesar Chavez. Take the turnaround and the Alamodome is on the right. Visit the Transportation section of the website to get updated information regarding downtown parking, transit and rideshare on game day.
When do the doors open for the game?
Doors open two hours prior to kickoff for the Valero Alamo Bowl.
Can I enter at any gate?
When you arrive at the Alamodome, you can enter through any of the following gates: 1, 2, 4, 7, or 12.
Please pick the gate with the shortest lines.
Can I park in the Alamodome parking lots?
Parking and tailgating at the Alamodome are typically only available through pre-purchased permits only. There will be no game day sales. Parking passes can be found here. Tailgating permits allow fans to tailgate within their allotted space starting at 10 a.m. on game day. Tailgate spots can be purchased here or by calling 210-704-6666.
If you have already purchased a prepaid parking pass click here to view arrival and departure maps.
For other parking options, fans are encouraged to utilize the parking garages and surface lots in downtown San Antonio. Instead of driving to the Alamodome and working back toward these available lots, fans will experience less congestion by going directly to one of the downtown lots viewable here. We highly recommend utilizing ride share services on game day.
Can I send tickets or parking to someone else?
Yes, using Valero Alamo Bowl Account Manager, you can “Transfer” or “Sell” tickets to anyone with a valid email address or phone number. REMEMBER: Once the recipient claims them, they cannot be returned to your account so do not send tickets to anyone you do not know.
If you need assistance on transferring tickets, visit our Access and Transfer Guide here.
What are the tailgating rules?
Tailgate Town is located in Lot B (north side of the Lot).
All parking at the Alamodome requires a prepaid parking pass. There are no game day sales. If you have a pass, the lots will open by 10 a.m. Parking passes can be purchased here. Tailgate passes can be purchased here.
Tailgating is restricted to the space in front or rear of your vehicle. Do not obstruct the driving lane. Blocking off or saving spaces is not permitted. Stages, large balloons, kites, platforms, tarps, etc. are not allowed.Roadways, aisles and other parking spaces must be kept free of tailgating equipment to allow for vehicle and pedestrian traffic. No solicitation, selling or marketing of any kind is allowed. Alcoholic beverages are permitted. No glass containers.
Approved Cooking Appliances: grills for charcoal, wood, small propane pits and electric. A fire extinguisher must accompany each group using a cooking appliance and a person knowledgeable in its operation must attend to cooking appliances when hot.
No food or beverages are allowed to be taken into the Alamodome. No loud music or profanity. No children playing in the thoroughfare. Separate containers are available in Lots B & C for hot coals and trash.
The following is a list of regulations set by Alamodome officials:
- For safety, patrons may not stand, sit, or congregate on the tops of vehicles, busses, RV’s or other structures.
- All TABC rules and regulations must be followed. Alcoholic beverages are only permitted for persons age 21 and older.
- Grills with charcoal, wood and propane are permitted. Fires built on the ground or in open fire pits are prohibited.
- All cooking equipment shall be situated away from crowds, vehicles and combustible materials. A minimum clearance distance of 3 feet is required.
- LP-gas cooking appliances shall be UL listed and approved for use. LP-gas cylinders shall be secured in an upright position to keep from falling and positioned to prevent impact from vehicle traffic. Portable generators are not to be filled while running and fuel must be in a UL listed safety can (2 gal. max). Portable generators and fuel must be stored away from cooking appliances.
- Generators that create excessive noise or harmful fumes are prohibited (as determined by Alamodome staff.)
- Coals must be disposed of in the designated coal containers located throughout the lots. Do not dump coals or store stoves on the grass, parking areas, under or around vehicles.
- Dispose of trash in the designated receptacles.
- Tailgaters must ensure that tents and canopies are anchored appropriately by utilizing sandbags, water barrels, or weights. (Unanchored tents/canopies can easily be blown over and present a safety hazard and/or may cause damage to property.) DO NOT anchor by placing stakes.
- Tents over 1,200 Sq. ft. will require Alamodome approval and a Certificate of Occupancy.
- Pets, with the exception of service animals, are not permitted.
- Children must be supervised at all times and may not play in the traffic areas.
- In order to ensure the safety of our patrons, golf carts, Segways, motorized coolers, all other types of motorized recreational vehicles, skateboards, bicycles, or large balloons will not be allowed for use by patrons in the parking lots.
- Portable toilets are located in all lots.
- All tents, chairs, etc. must be put away before entering the Alamodome.
- Parking lots will be patrolled. All violations are subject to ticketing and removal from the premises.
The following items/activities are prohibited:
- Deep fryers or any oil-based cooking or frying
- Open flame fires of any kind.
- Disorderly conduct, including public intoxication.
- Picketing, political campaigning or soliciting/distribution of any kind.
- Saving of parking or tailgating spaces.
- Weapons and fireworks.
- The solicitation, selling or marketing of any foods, beverages, sports paraphernalia, or other merchandise.
- Amplified sound systems or the use of radios/audio devices at loud levels.
Can I take VIA Park-n-Ride to the Alamodome?
One of the easiest ways to get to and from the game is with VIA Park and Ride. Please visit https://www.viainfo.net/ for more information on which locations they will be offering for the Valero Alamo Bowl.
Can I stay overnight in my RV on Alamodome property? Where can I park my RV on game day?
No, there is no overnight parking at the Alamodome. For game day RV parking permits (if available), call 210-704-6387. The lots will open for vehicles with parking permits at 10 a.m. on game day for the Valero Alamo Bowl. Click here to search for RV Parking options in San Antonio. Click here to view tailgating options for the Valero Alamo Bowl.
Where is the handicap parking?
All parking, including disabled spaces, is sold by pre-paid parking permit. Alamodome parking lots open at 10:00 a.m. and close 1 hour after the conclusion of the game. Disabled patrons without a parking pass can utilize the ADA drop off area located in Lot A and proceed to alternate parking offsite. To check parking availability, please call 210-704-6666.
What items are prohibited in the stadium?
The Alamodome now operates a Clear Bag Policy for all events. If your bag is larger than 5.5″x 8.5″ then it needs to be in a clear bag as defined on this page. All fans and their belongings will be searched upon entry.
Cameras: Cameras are allowed as long as they do not disrupt the view of others. Video cameras are not allowed.
Prohibited Items:
- Weapons
- Outside food and beverage
- Noise makers
- Flags with poles
- Helium balloons
- Tobacco products including e-cigarettes
- Pets (except service animals)
Prohibited Bags:
- Backpack
- Camera Case
- Mesh Bag
- Purse
- Seat Cushion
- Clear Backpack
- Tinted Plastic Bag
- Over-sized Tote Bag
- Binoculars Case
- Printed Pattern Plastic Bag
- Folding Chair Bag (Folding Chair not allowed)
- Any bag larger than (6″) six inches.
Please visit the Alamodome website for a complete list of prohibited items.
What are the policies on bringing in food and drink?
The Alamodome does not allow outside food and beverages to be brought into the facility. For our 2024 game, tailgating is allowed at the Alamodome parking lots with the appropriate parking pass. Lot B is the main tailgating lot.
What is the Alamodome's re-entry policy?
Once you enter the Alamodome for the game, the Alamodome does not allow you to re-enter the facility if you leave it. In other words, no in-and-outs. Thus, if you want to spend time at the pregame activities at The Espee (formerly Sunset Station), please do so before you go into the Alamodome.
What are the Alamodome policies regarding video cameras and flash photography?
Video cameras and flash cameras are allowed in the Alamodome provided the cameras are held in your hand and do not have professional lenses extending over five inches. If you are interested in a video of the university band performances, please contact the university band director. If you are interested in purchasing a video of the high school bands performance, please contact WorldStrides Heritage Performance at 1-888-242-7597.
What is Alamodome's policy on smoking and serving alcohol?
The Alamodome is a non-smoking facility. However, ushers man the plaza level exits on the east and west 50 yard lines where fans can leave the building into secure areas to smoke. These sections are outside of Sections 112 and 134. Beer, wine and spirits are sold at the game on each level of the stadium through the end of the third quarter.
Are there family restrooms in the Alamodome?
There are family restrooms on the mezzanine (Level #3 if using the elevators) next to the elevator on the Northside (behind row 36 of section 101) and on the Southside (behind row 36 of Section 123). Most men’s and women’s restrooms throughout the facility have changing tables.
What is the seating capacity for the Alamodome?
The Alamodome seats 65,000 for football. With temporary seating, a Valero Alamo Bowl record crowd of 66,166 attended the 2007 Valero Alamo Bowl. The largest crowd in Alamodome history is 73,086 for the George Strait concert on June 1, 2013.
How many rows and seats are there in each section?
The lower level (the 100 level) has 35 rows. When you enter through the plaza level, you enter on row 19. The club level hangs over rows 28-35 on the lower level. The club level (the 200 level) has six rows of permanent seating along the northside (rows 1-6) and an additional four rows (rows 7-10) of folding chairs on the southside. The upper level (the 300 level) has 28 rows. To see the view from individual seats, take advantage of the bowl’s 3-D map.
Generally speaking most sections on all levels have 24 seats in each row, but it does vary. The seats are numbered 1-24 from left-to-right when you are looking into the stands from the field.
What is the temperature at the Alamodome?
The temperature varies by levels, but the Alamodome typically averages 69 degrees for football events.
Which teams play in the Valero Alamo Bowl?
Through the 2025 season, the Valero Alamo Bowl will match-up the #1 selection from the Big 12 against the #1 selection from the Pac-12 after College Football Playoff bowls.
Who is the Home team?
The Big 12 is the home team for odd number years and is anchored on the West sideline (opposite the press box). The Pac-12 is the home team for even number years and is anchored on the East sideline (press box side). For 2024, BYU is the home team and on the West sideline and Colorado is the away team and on the East sideline.
Who is the Visiting team?
The Big 12 is the visiting team for even number years and is anchored on the West sideline (opposite the press box). The Pac-12 is the visitor for odd number years and is anchored on the East sideline (press box side). For 2024, BYU is the home team and on the West sideline and Colorado is the away team and on the East sideline.
What color jerseys will each team wear?
In odd number years, the Big 12 is the home team and will typically wear the dark jersey and the Pac-12 team is the visitor and will be in the light jersey. In even years, Big 12 is the visiting team and will wear light jerseys, while the Pac-12 team will have dark jerseys.
Where are the bands sitting for the game?
Colorado Band – Section 103. BYU Band – Section 125.
Are any team events open to the public?
Most events are open to the public with some requiring a ticket purchase. Visit the Events section for more details.
Can I attend official Valero Alamo Bowl events?
All official events are listed on the bowl’s Fan Events page. While there are some team-only, private functions, most events are open to the public and tickets are still available for purchase.
The bowl offers a package of priority seating to all the bowl events including the bowl game through a corporate membership. For more information on all of our premium options, please call Luke Hendry at (210) 704-6394 or visit Bowl Ticket Packages.
Can I purchase a video of the game?
ESPN controls the game broadcast and does not typically make a video of the game available for purchase nor do they televise the halftime band performances. If you are interested in a video of the university band performances, please contact that school’s university band director. If you are interested in purchasing a video of the high school bands’ performance, please contact WorldStrides Heritage Performance at 1-888-242-7597.
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