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Help Us Fill The Bowl

This holiday season the Valero Alamo Bowl will again team up with San Antonio Food Bank for the “Fill the Bowl” fundraiser to help provide meals for local families. For each $20 (cash/credit card) or 20 items donated to the San Antonio Food Bank, you will receive one complimentary ticket to this year’s match-up between #12 Oklahoma State and #10 Colorado.

There is not a limit on the number tickets each person can receive but tickets are first come, first served on Tuesday, December 27, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

San Antonio Food Bank’s most needed items:
• Peanut Butter
• Cereal
• Tuna
• Beans
• Rice
• Mac & Cheese
• Chili
• Canned Stews
• Canned Soups
• Canned Luncheon Meats
• Full Meals Can/Box
• Pop top food items

Tickets are available as supplies last at the Food Bank’s volunteer entrance at 5200 Enrique M. Barrera Pkwy, San Antonio, TX 78227 (phone: 210-337-3663). Stop by on Tuesday to donate and receive your complimentary tickets to the Valero Alamo Bowl on Tuesday, December 27.

With the support of Valero, the “Fill the Bowl” event is held every year. This season the Bowl is trying to break the record number of donations that was set in 2012 when 187,428 pounds of food were collected for the San Antonio Food Bank. That total was enough to provide 146,428 meals for South Texas families.

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