Every year the Valero Alamo Bowl relies on hundreds of volunteers and an abundance of citywide support to host our successful community festival of events.
Our official calendar begins at the start of the college football season with our PNC Pigskin Preview luncheon and reaches a crescendo during Bowl Week when we strive to greet the visiting teams and their fans with weather as warm and enjoyable as our city.
The support and hard work of our volunteers is apparent in the 20+ events the bowl annually produces including golf tournaments, team luncheons, galas, interactive areas, corporate sponsor parties, and much more. Our volunteers make it happen!
Event Opportunities
Every August the Valero Alamo Bowl hosts a Volunteer Orientation to detail ways you or your company can support our efforts. To receive more information on how to get involved, please email Kenzi Howton.
Valero Alamo Bowl Committee
For those wishing for a more active role, please reach out to Luke Hendry or Rick Hill about serving on the Valero Alamo Bowl Committee.
This 30+ person group of local business and civic leaders are kept apprised of all the bowl happenings so they can serve as ambassadors in the community. The Committee has an official kickoff meeting each August and members participate on one or more of the following sub-committees:
Business Development:
The Valero Alamo Bowl has a sponsorship and ticket sales staff, but we do ask this committee to fill our pipeline with names of potential companies who could benefit from a bowl partnership. Leads are shared through two bowl hosted Happy Hours in the Fall. Join the fun to help the bowl elevate its profile and charitable giving while growing your personal network. Each lead that turns into a bowl partnership could bring the Committee member complimentary event tickets.
Community Relations:
Members volunteer to help at one or more of the bowl’s community outreach programs that include: a food drive, teacher recognition, charity ticket program, high school concussion testing and the Valero Alamo Bowl Scholarship Program.
Hospitality Committee:
This is the welcoming group who make the traveling parties from the bowl teams enjoy their experience in San Antonio. This is accomplished by being highly visible, helpful, and approachable during Bowl Week. Responsibilities include taking a shift in our team concierge and hospitality rooms or chaperoning team VIPs to ancillary event.
Media Operations Committee:
The Media Operations Committee assist with such Bowl Week activities as working a shift at media check-in or hospitality as well as press conferences, social media, and game day support.
Experiential Learning
The Valero Alamo Bowl also actively recruits seasonal and event specific interns geared to help people wanting to work in sports gain experience. Those opportunities are detailed on our Join The Team page.

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